Baby update
Here's where the baby is headed this month:
According to AmericanBaby,
In the first half of the third month, all your baby's internal parts are present, even if they are minute and immature. Some of the intestines form outside your baby's body, within the umbilical cord, because its abdomen is too small to hold them all. The kidneys are starting to produce urine, which your baby excretes into the surrounding amniotic fluid. Bones and muscles are starting to grow to support tiny organs. The ribs and backbone are soft and pliable.
Swellings on the side of the neck show where your baby's ears will be, and the insides of the ears are forming. On the head are the start of lips on a mouth that can already open and close, and a bit of a nose. Eyelids, which will fuse together and stay closed for a few months, are growing over developing eyes.
The reproductive organs are among the last to form. In the middle of the month, testes have formed in boys and ovaries in girls, but the external sex organs still look similar in both sexes.
By the second half of the month, your baby's umbilical cord is well formed. It contains two arteries, which carry waste away from its blood to yours, and one vein, which brings nourishment to it from you. Your blood never actually mixes with your baby's. Instead, a membrane in the placenta allows substances in the blood, but not blood itself, to pass through.
Your baby's back starts to straighten, and its elbows and knees can bend. The tail will disappear completely by the end of the month. The head still makes up about half of your baby's body.
By the end of the third month, the baby is about 2 inches long (measuring from the top of the head to the bottom of the buttocks) and weighs a little less than an ounce.

Here's where I'm headed this month:
When you ask your doctor why you're either laughing, crying, or going after someone with a frying pan, she'll say, "It's hormones."This may explain why I just about weeped at the end of The Amazing Race last week. Big baby!
Hi Julie M. your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on cord blood test I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to Baby update, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about cord blood test. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding saving umbilical cord blood and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on saving umbilical cord blood was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for saving umbilical cord blood for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at saving umbilical cord blood. You never know you may find some good deals!
Hi Julie M. your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on saving umbilical cord blood I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to Baby update, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about saving umbilical cord blood. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
Well this blog certainly is not about cord blood test. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching cord blood test and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from cord blood test anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching cord blood test.
Even though my search is not on Baby update I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding blood cd34 cord cytometry flow and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on blood cd34 cord cytometry flow was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for blood cd34 cord cytometry flow for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at blood cd34 cord cytometry flow. You never know you may find some good deals!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding umbilical cord blood gas and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on umbilical cord blood gas was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for umbilical cord blood gas for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at umbilical cord blood gas. You never know you may find some good deals!
Hi Julie M. your blog is really great! Wow :-) As I was out blog surfing and surfing the web for detailed info on blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique I stumbled across your blog. Obviously my search landed me here and it is a little off subject compared to Baby update, but I am certainly glad I did come across your blog. Did I already tell you I like it! If you would not mind, I would like to add your link to my "favorites" page to come back and read again sometime. Should you ever need it, there's lots of information on this site about blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique. Again, great blog and keep up the great work!
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at blood cord dependent diabetics insulin technique. You never know you may find some good deals!
Hey this blog is not about cord blood banking canada. Silly internet bringing me here :-) Funny I have been doing hours of research on cord blood banking canada and it brought me to your blog on Baby update. The web plays funny games sometimes. Anyways, I was reading your blog Julie M. and I think it is really cool. Keep up the great work.
If you do not mind I will snag your blog and put it in my favorites. I read a ton of stuff on here that interested me. Keep blogging away :-)
I love your blog Julie M.. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of stem cell from umbilical cord blood and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on stem cell from umbilical cord blood. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit Baby update again!!
Sad to say I just got back from a bowling tournament and decided to log in and do some websurfing. Julie M. I love your blog. I had some very good laughs. I am doing a paper on stem cell from umbilical cord blood and have been downloading information for the last hour. I don’t know how I came across Baby update but I am glad I did. It has set me back a little because I have spent the last hour reading your archives. If you don’t mind I would like to add you to my favorites so I can back again and read some more. Well I need to get back to stem cell from umbilical cord blood. I am almost finished with it. Great job.
p.s some very good points on your blog
All I can say is WOW Julie M.. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on stem cell from umbilical cord blood. I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though Baby update really isn’t on the same page as stem cell from umbilical cord blood I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at stem cell from umbilical cord blood. I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
All I can say is WOW Julie M.. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on umbilical cord blood banking advantages. I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though Baby update really isn’t on the same page as umbilical cord blood banking advantages I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at umbilical cord blood banking advantages. I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
All I can say is WOW Julie M.. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on alberta bank blood cord . I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though Baby update really isn’t on the same page as alberta bank blood cord I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at alberta bank blood cord . I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
All I can say is WOW Julie M.. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on umbilical cord blood banking advantages . I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though Baby update really isn’t on the same page as umbilical cord blood banking advantages I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at umbilical cord blood banking advantages . I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
I love your blog Julie M.. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on . Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit Baby update again!!
All I can say is WOW Julie M.. The other half and I just got back from our friends house (well her friends house) and I needed a huge break. I am working on a project right now that is based on cord blood retrieval . I have literally been on-line for 2-3 hours doing research. Even though Baby update really isn’t on the same page as cord blood retrieval I am certainly glad I came across your blog. There are a ton of great view points on this blog. Well I think I can here the kids screaming in the background. I put you in my internet favorites and I will certainly come back and visit. If you want to take a peek at my site you can find me here at cord blood retrieval . I update my site very frequently. Again, great job blogging and I will be back again soon!
Sad to say I just got back from a bowling tournament and decided to log in and do some websurfing. Julie M. I love your blog. I had some very good laughs. I am doing a paper on saving umbilical cord blood and have been downloading information for the last hour. I don’t know how I came across Baby update but I am glad I did. It has set me back a little because I have spent the last hour reading your archives. If you don’t mind I would like to add you to my favorites so I can back again and read some more. Well I need to get back to saving umbilical cord blood . I am almost finished with it. Great job.
p.s some very good points on your blog
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at . You never know you may find some good deals!
Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on cord blood company and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though Baby update is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at cord blood company . If you have the energy swing by cord blood company . I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!
Hey Julie M.. Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching bank blood cord private . In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though Baby update is way off base from bank blood cord private I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don’t your url and feel free to visit me here at bank blood cord private . I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work
Hey Julie M.. Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching saving umbilical cord blood . In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though Baby update is way off base from saving umbilical cord blood I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don’t your url and feel free to visit me here at saving umbilical cord blood . I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work
I have been on-line searching for hours for information regarding stem cell from umbilical cord blood and stumbled across your blog during my journey :-) Julie M. your blog is really amazing! Keep up the great work. Obviously my search on stem cell from umbilical cord blood was way off when compared to Baby update and find it funny how it landed me here. The internet is a funny thing. Anyways, great job on your blogging and keep up the good work! I been searching for stem cell from umbilical cord blood for over 2 hours and needed a break from it. I started reading your blog and really started getting into it.
P.S I will add you to my favorites so I can come back and visit later
P.S.S If you want to bookmark my site I am at stem cell from umbilical cord blood . You never know you may find some good deals!
Well this blog certainly is not about cord blood stem cell bank. What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching cord blood stem cell bank and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from cord blood stem cell bank anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching cord blood stem cell bank.
Even though my search is not on Baby update I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
Well I just got back from the gym and I am beat. I am currently doing some research on cord blood company and stumbled across your blog. Which cracks me up really. The internet can certainly land you off base sometimes. Even though Baby update is not completely related I think it is a cool blog. I have read back through the archives and lots of people make some very good points. Well I have been on-line forever it seems. I need to continue to plug away at cord blood company . If you have the energy swing by cord blood company . I try to update my site weekly and maybe you will see something you like. I already snagged your URL and put it in my favorites. If you do not mind I will be back again. Great job!
I love your blog Julie M.. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of cord blood company and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on cord blood company . Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit Baby update again!!
Well this blog certainly is not about umbilical cord blood preservation . What the heck! I guess the internet can play some tricks on us sometimes. I have been on-line for two hours
researching umbilical cord blood preservation and came tumbling across your blog. I LOVE IT! I needed a break from umbilical cord blood preservation anyways :-) If you don't mind I want to add your
blog to my favorites list so I can come back later on and read some more stuff. Well I guess I should get back to researching umbilical cord blood preservation .
Even though my search is not on Baby update I am glad I came across your blog. Keep blogging away!
Sad to say I just got back from a bowling tournament and decided to log in and do some websurfing. Julie M. I love your blog. I had some very good laughs. I am doing a paper on cord blood storing and have been downloading information for the last hour. I don’t know how I came across Baby update but I am glad I did. It has set me back a little because I have spent the last hour reading your archives. If you don’t mind I would like to add you to my favorites so I can back again and read some more. Well I need to get back to cord blood storing . I am almost finished with it. Great job.
p.s some very good points on your blog
I love your blog Julie M.. How long has it been on-line? Reason I ask is I am doing a ton of work in the area of collection of umbilical cord blood and will probably end up starting a blog of my own. Funny how the internet brought me here when I was doing searches on collection of umbilical cord blood. Oh well, I am glad it did. Keep up the great blogging and I am sure I will visit Baby update again!!
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