Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Same-Sex Marriages Too Much Like Real Marriage

On Sunday, the Drudge Report featured a story that was written shortly after the election results came in. The article is no longer on their home page and I've been unable to find it in their archives. The article stated that some of the people in New Orleans are upset that the amendment passed. One man said something to the effect that he's mad that so many people would vote against same-sex marriages. He says we are afraid of gays and we just don't understand them. Isn't it possible that heterosexuals are against gay marriages because of our morals and values? No, of course not. It's because we are all homophobic and we just don't understand them. There is no way that our morals could play a role in the way we vote.

So now there's a new report out. Many gays in California are having their legal unions dissolved and others are choosing not to wed at all. They claim it's because they won't receive as many benefits as they think they should. They are finding that when they became spouses legally, their government-paid health benefits were cut because their family income was greater.

"If you're going to give us the responsibilities, you need to give us the benefits as well," said Cupp, 41. "That was my overall feeling about it."

Cupp suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome; his partner, Jeff Tarvin, has chronic pain. Both are HIV-positive and collect disability. Tarvin also receives Medi-Cal, which covers the cost of all his medical care.

Cupp is worried that if they register with the state, the couple's combined worth could cost Tarvin his Medi-Cal coverage. Eligibility for Medi-Cal and other programs such as CalWorks for single parents, Supplemental Security Income for disabled people and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants is based in part on a married couple's income and assets. . .

On the other end of the financial spectrum, some wealthy gays and lesbians are blanching at the prospect of their income, assets -- and debt -- turning into community property. Under the new law, ending a partnership could entail losing half one's assets, just like divorce...

"Gay and lesbian relationships have not been as financially intertwined as marriage historically, which was traditionally structured on the basis that women were the property of men," she said in an e-mail.

"For a lot of LGBT (lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender) people, being independent financially is an important part of who they are," Robertson said. "To be told by the law that their financial relationship is now expected to mimic that of a married couple is unknown territory."
Homosexuals fought for their unions to be recognized legally just as heterosexual marriages are. Now that they finally got it, they are whining about it.


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