Friday, April 15, 2005

Diane Feinstein is Right!

Long time no blog! As many of you know, many changes have taken place for us over the last few months. I lost my job in Shreveport, I've been hired on as a network consultant in Lafayette (the company has been great so far!), we've moved a couple of hundred miles to the south and are now literally down the street from family, we are now expecting our second child, and . . . I agree with Democrats.

Let me explain. Diane Feinstein, democratic senator from the great liberal bastion of California, is one of the most outspoken, fringe-left-wing senators to sully our government. If there is a liberal/conservative side to an issue, she can almost always be counted on to strongly support whatever the leftists/communists/socialists are hollering for. But in this particular instance she actually said something with which I agree.

On Wednesday April 13, an $80 billion spending bill for U.S. operations in Iraq was almost used to insert provisions to loosen restrictions on illegal immigration (both a Democrat and a Republican were responsible for these efforts). While the main purpose of these provisions was to provide low-skilled labor for agriculture and the fishing and tourism industry, the net result would be as Feinstein said in the article: That measure, she said, "could bring millions of people into this country - workers, their spouses, their minor children."

This is bad on at least two counts. First, illegal aliens are a massive drain on state resources, especially at hospitals and schools. Second, and potentially more importantly, more illegal immigrants means a greater chance we will have armed terrorists slipping over our borders (as I'm sure has already happened). Given the many horror stories about hospitals and schools providing shoddy service, we should reduce the factors that exasperate these problems.

There is also the issue of language and culture. The United States is not a melting pot as some would believe. It would be better described as a gumbo, with pockets of different types scattered throughout the whole. However, in order for unity to be achieved a country must retain a single official language and identity. I take Canada as an example of this. Quebec, it can be argued, has a different culture and language from the rest of Canada, and this has caused friction between Quebec and the rest of Canada as exemplified by the many efforts of some Quebecians to secede. Immigrants who refuse to understand, and act in accordance with, the standards of their new country cause friction in proportion to their numbers, and a country can be weakened by this phenomenon. Sadly, the refusal to learn and use English is not limited to illegal immigrants, but that's a topic for another day.

Now, although I happened to agree with her statement in this particular situation, I'm really curious to see if Feinstein, liberal Democrat that she is, will actually follow up with actions that follow the perceived tone of her words.


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