Wednesday, February 09, 2005

I am Melancholic

You are a "nervous" Melancholic, with an abundance of black bile. Melancholics are characterized by the element of Earth, the season of Autumn, middle-aged adulthood, the color blue, and the characteristics of "Cold" and "Dry." Famous Melancholics include St. John of the Cross, St. John the Divine, St. Francis, and St. Catherine of Siena.

If you were living in the Age of Faith, perfect career choices for you would be contemplative religious, theologian, artist, or writer.

From "The Four Temperaments," by Rev. Conrad Hock:

The Melancholic:

  • Is self-conscious, easily embarrassed, timid, bashful.
  • Avoids talking before a group; when obliged to he finds it difficult.
  • Prefers to work and play alone. Good in details; careful.
  • Is deliberative; slow in making decisions; perhaps overcautious even in minor matters.
  • Is lacking in self-confidence and initiative; compliant and yielding.
  • Tends to detachment from environment; reserved and distant except to intimate friends.
  • Tends to depression; frequently moody or gloomy; very sensitive; easily hurt.
  • Does not form acquaintances readily; prefers narrow range of friends; tends to exclude others.
  • Worries over possible misfortune; crosses bridges before coming to them.
  • Is secretive; seclusive; shut in; not inclined to speak unless spoken to.
  • Is slow in movement; deliberative or perhaps indecisive; moods frequent and constant.
  • Is often represents himself at a disadvantage; modest and unassuming.
I found this quiz via Steve Bogner.


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