Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Indonesian Friends

While Jay was attending the University of New Orleans, he shared a suite with a couple Indonesians. Their names are Alit and Irvano. They introduced him to the other Indonesians who attended UNO, and he soon became one of them, so to speak. He was always invited to their get-togethers and when I was visiting from Baton Rouge, I joined in. We always had a great time.

Alit was studying in America to improve his small business back in Bali. His plans were to return to his home as soon as he graduated, which he did. Irvano was studying computer science and planned to live in America long-term. While working on his master's degree, his visa expired and was unable to renew it. He returned to Jakarta, got married, and recently had a beautiful daughter.

We are waiting to hear how they are doing. If you aren't already doing so, please pray for all the families who have been affected by the tsunami.


Alit and his family are doing well, and he just got engaged! Irvano said he and his family are doing well, also.


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