Monday, August 09, 2004

Another response to Mecandes

This is a follow-up to Mecandes' reply.

> I suppose any gentlemanly discourse (I'm being generous) is at an impasse.

If "gentlemanly discourse", as you so generously put it, is at an impasse then it's because you, Mecandes, are taking my comments out of context and attributing statements to me that I did not make. Allow me to illustrate.

> Well, Jaymen, since you say "I, as an American, don’t really give a damn" about the United Nations and the rest of the world

Actually, that's not what I said. Since you were obviously not paying attention when you read it, let me quote what I actually said for you:

I, as an American, don’t really give a damn if the U.N. doesn’t want my country to take measures to ensure the safety of not only our own people, but also the people of the Middle East.
There is a massive difference between what I said and what you say I said. Learn the difference, please.

> It seems like you've taken every bit of propaganda about terrorism that the networks and president fed you

For the sake of brevity, I'll leave the issue of Bush's propensity towards propaganda alone and focus on the "networks" you mentioned. I have no major American networks quoted in my posting, and for a very good reason.

I can confidently say that of CBS, NBC, ABC and the New York Times, every one swings liberal, not conservative. I was disgusted during the 2000 presidential election when CBS' Dan Rather appeared laughing happily as he announced at length that Gore had carried Florida, then glum as he later curtly commented, "Bush wins." This is but one small example.

How about the news from Iraq? What do you hear about? Suicide bombers, resistance fighters, how "the world hates America", etcetera. Hey, how about all the re-opened schools? The improved electrical grid? The improved hospitals? Lack of Kurds getting gassed by their nation's leader? Shucks, I didn't hear that on the news -- they must have been looking elsewhere. Silly me, I had to rely on the soldiers who had actually been there and saw what was going on.

Speaking of information sources, I'd love to know what outstanding source of knowledge you have since you are obviously not relying on the propaganda-laden networks. I didn't see any links in your last comment. Please -- your eager student awaits.

I really am disappointed in you, Mecandes. As intelligent as you otherwise seem, you have blindly followed a page from the Liberal’s Guide to Debate: “If you can’t refute your opponent’s logic, twist what he says and say that he’s not enlightened enough to argue with.”

Oh, sorry, I almost forgot -- ;-)


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