Monday, August 30, 2004


It seems like all I did this weekend was click on that darned NEXT BLOG button. I couldn't get enough of it. Sure jaymen and I got more things unpacked and organized, but any free time we had we spent on the computer.

While jaymen was playing Warcraft, I was hoping to find some new and interesting blogs out there. What I found were people who seemed to have skipped English class at every opportunity. I am aware that I am not the world's best at spelling or grammar, but least I make an attempt to do my best.

A lot of these people appear to try to do their worst. Aside from atrocious spelling, every second or third letter was capitalized. Is there a font that does that for people or are they doing it on their own? i hAvE a HaRd eNouGh tImE MaKinG sUre i GeT thE FiRsT lEtTer oF a sEnTenCe cApItaliZed mUcH lEsS eVerY oThEr leTteR iN a wOrD.

I also found a lot of kids using the foulest language possible. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but my goodness! Where are their parents?


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